TBA in the Classroom
Tailor-Made Programs to Suit Your Needs
TBA offers a host of theatre programs that can be customized to the needs of your curriculum and budget. Following is an overview of programs typically offered in school environments. To speak with someone about designing a program for your school, call 677-PLAY or email fieldtrips@tbatheatre.org.
Workshops are brief, rigorous courses, often an hour or two in duration, designed for a small group or single class that focus on one particular aspect of theatrical study. Workshops can occur either at a theatrical venue or in residency at a school.
Intensives are immersion programs offered in association with alternative, charter and private schools. Students spend entire school days with an artist or artists for a predetermined period of time (typically two weeks). In the case of acting intensives, students are exposed to a rigorous curriculum involving all of the skills of the actor. For technical intensives, students are exposed to a variety of elements of technical theatre with an emphasis on set construction and scene painting. Optimally, both types of intensives are taught concurrently, culminating in an evening of performance developed during their period of study. This scenario requires a minimum of 40 and a maximum 75 total hours.
A residency is a series of in-school workshops, which take place a few hours a day over the course of several weeks. Residencies can be geared to offer one particular subject matter or element of the performing arts to various classes or groups of students or to offer a potpourri of subjects to a single class or group.
Theater Facility Tours
Special workshops can be arranged with local theatrical venues to offer guided tours of their facilities in order to acquaint students with physical aspects of theatre, such as rigging systems, actor accommodation facilities and light and sound systems that they may not have exposure to in their school